1024-channel electrophysiological recordings in macaque V1 and V4 during resting state
- 1Department of Vision & Cognition, Netherlands Institute for Neuroscience, Meibergdreef 47, 1105 BA, Amsterdam, Netherlands
- 2Institute of Neuroscience and Medicine (INM-6) and Institute for Advanced Simulation (IAS-6) and JARA Institute Brain Structure-Function Relationships (INM-10), Jülich Research Centre, Jülich, Germany; and Institute of Zoology, University of Cologne, Cologne, Germany
- 3Institute of Neuroscience and Medicine (INM-6) and Institute for Advanced Simulation (IAS-6) and JARA Institute Brain Structure-Function Relationships (INM-10), Jülich Research Centre, Jülich, Germany; and Theoretical Systems Neurobiology, RWTH Aachen University, Aachen, Germany; and Institut de Neurosciences de La Timone, CNRS & Aix-Marseille University, Marseille, France
- 4Institute of Neuroscience and Medicine (INM-6) and Institute for Advanced Simulation (IAS-6) and JARA Institute Brain Structure-Function Relationships (INM-10), Jülich Research Centre, Jülich, Germany; and Theoretical Systems Neurobiology, RWTH Aachen University, Aachen, Germany
- 5Department of Vision & Cognition, Netherlands Institute for Neuroscience, Meibergdreef 47, 1105 BA, Amsterdam, Netherlands; Department of Integrative Neurophysiology, VU University, De Boelelaan 1085, 1081 HV, Amsterdam, Netherlands; and Department of Psychiatry, Academic Medical Center, Postbus 22660, 1100 DD, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Published 05 Nov. 2021 | License Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Public License
We provide electrophysiological recordings in Macaque V1 and V4 cortex with 16 Utah arrays in two subjects.
| Electrophysiology | Local Field Potential | Macaque | Multiunit activity | Neuroscience | Resting state | Synchrofact removal | Utah Array | Visual area 1 (V1) | Visual area 4 (V4) | Visual Cortex |References
- Chen, X., Morales-Gregorio, A., Sprenger, J., Kleinjohann, A., Sridhar, S., van Albada, S. J., Grün, S., Roelfsema, P. R. (2022) 1024-channel electrophysiological recordings in macaque V1 and V4 during resting state. Scientific Data Vol. 9, Article 77.
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- NWO STW, P15-42
- HBP FPA (650003)
- EU ERC, 339490
- EU H2020 Framework Programme for Research and Innovation HBP SGA2, 785907
- EU H2020 Framework Programme for Research and Innovation HBP SGA3, 945539
- DFG 368482240/RTG 2416