
Code and Dataset - Lack of action monitoring as a prerequisite for habitual and chunked behavior: Behavioral and neural correlates

  1. 1Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences, Krieger School of Arts and Sciences, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore MD 21218, USA
  2. 2Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences, Krieger School of Arts and Sciences / The Solomon H. Snyder Department of Neuroscience, Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore MD 21205, USA


Published 14 Oct. 2022 | License Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Public Domain Dedication


this resource provides the data files and Matlab code used to analyze the data and generate all the figures in the study described below.
Article Summary: We previously reported the rapid development of habitual behavior in a discrete-trials instrumental task in which lever insertion and retraction act as reward-predictive cues delineating sequence execution. Here we asked whether these lever cues or performance variables reflective of skill and automaticity might account for this habitual behavior. Behavior in the discrete-trials habit-promoting task was compared with two task variants lacking the sequence-delineating cues of lever extension and retraction. We find that behavior is under goal-directed control in absence of sequence-delineating cues but not in their presence, and that efficient, skilled performance does not predict goal-directed vs. habitual behavior. Neural activity recordings revealed an engagement of dorsolateral striatum and a disengagement of dorsomedial striatum during sequence execution of the habit-promoting task, specifically. Together, these results indicate that sequence delineation cues promote habitual behavior and differential engagement of striatal subregions during instrumental responding, a pattern that may reflect cue-elicited behavioral chunking.


| neuroscience | habit | behavioral chunking | dorsomedial striatum | dorsolateral striatum |


  • Vandaele, Y., Janak, P. H. (preprint). (2022). Lack of Action Monitoring as a Prerequisite for Habitual and Chunked Behavior: Behavioral and Neural Correlates. SSRN Electronic Journal.


  • NIH R01DA035943
  • NIH R01AA026306


Vandaele Y, Janak P (2022) Code and Dataset - Lack of action monitoring as a prerequisite for habitual and chunked behavior: Behavioral and neural correlates. G-Node.