
Emergence of a time-independent population code in auditory cortex enables sound categorization and discrimination learning

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  1. 1Institut Pasteur, Université Paris-Cité, INSERM, Institut de l'Audition, 63 rue de Charenton, F-75012 Paris, France
  2. 2Institut des Neurosciences de Montpellier, Univ Montpellier, INSERM, Montpellier, France


Published 13 Dec. 2022 | License Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International Public License


Large datasets of neural responses to 140 sounds throughout the auditory hierarchy in the awake C57Bl6 mouse. Data includes : 2photon calcium imaging data from auditory cortex, 2photon calcium imaging data of auditory thalamus boutons in auditory cortex, 2photon calcium imaging data of dorsal inferior colliculus, electrophysiological recodings of single units from central inferior colliculus, electrophysiological recodings of single units from auditory thalamus, simulated responses of auditory nerve fibres. The code presents noise-corrected analysis methods of neural population representations of sounds


| Neuroscience | Auditory system | Calcium imaging | Electrophysiology | Neural population coding | Noise corrected metrics |


  • Emergence of a time-independent population code in auditory cortex enables sound categorization and discrimination learning.S. Bagur*, J. Bourg*, A. Kempf, T. Tarpin, K. Bergaoui, Y. Guo, S. Ceballo, J. Schwenkgrub, J.L. Puel, J. Bourien, B. Bathellier


  • Fondation pour l'Audition FPA IDA02 and APA 2016-03
  • European Research Council ERC CoG 770841 DEEPEN
  • Fondation pour la Recherche Médicale SPF202005011970
  • European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 964568 project Hearlight


Bagur S, Bourg J, Kempf A, Tarpin T, Bergaoui K, Guo Y, Ceballo S, Schwenkgrub J, Puel J, Bourien J, Bathellier B (2022) Emergence of a time-independent population code in auditory cortex enables sound categorization and discrimination learning. G-Node.