| | |
Parto et al eLife 2024 dataset Parto-Dezfouli M, Vanegas I, Noudoost B | 28 Feb. 2025 | 10.12751/g-node.hvx4qt |
The role of fear generalization in anxiety disorders in adolescents - a MEG study Roesmann K, Wessing I, Kleinhoelting P, Straube T, Junghoefer M | 27 Feb. 2025 | 10.12751/g-node.7155v7 |
Mu and delta opioid receptors modulate inhibition within the prefrontal cortex through dissociable cellular and molecular mechanisms Cole R, Joffe M | 14 Feb. 2025 | 10.12751/g-node.blyb8p |
Locomotion of naive Drosophila larvae depending on age Schleyer M | 05 Feb. 2025 | 10.12751/g-node.vlg6pi |
Photoreceptor degeneration has heterogeneous effects on functional retinal ganglion cell types Dyszkant N, Oesterle J, Qiu Y, Harrer M, Schubert T, Gonschorek* D, Euler* T | 03 Feb. 2025 | 10.12751/g-node.89z5px |
Synaptic enrichment and dynamic regulation of the two opposing dopamine receptors within the same neurons Hiramatsu S, Saito K, Kondo S, Katow H, Yamagata N, Wu C, Tanimoto H | 14 Jan. 2025 | 10.12751/g-node.i3xmim |
Putative mapping of α-subunits in the human brain – a PET study of GABAA receptor binding Cselényi Z, Jucaite A, Farde L | 23 Dec. 2024 | 10.12751/g-node.83wfme |
Huth Lab functional alignment code Tang J, Huth AG | 19 Dec. 2024 | 10.12751/g-node.fh54ec |
Anticipatory outcome encoding in the left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex drives goal-directed behavior during outcome devaluation Stein J, Ruge H, Wolfensteller U, Goschke T, Zwosta K | 19 Dec. 2024 | 10.12751/g-node.fq1sl6 |
fMRI data for the article: Proactive and reactive construction of memory-based preferences Nicholas J, Daw N, Shohamy D | 13 Dec. 2024 | 10.12751/g-node.ee5wx3 |
Dataset: Nitric oxide modulates contrast suppression in a subset of mouse retinal ganglion cells Gonschorek D, Goldin MA, Oesterle J, Schwerd-Kleine T, Arlinghaus R, Zhao Z, Schubert T, Marre O, Euler T | 11 Dec. 2024 | 10.12751/g-node.mpf63w |
Transcriptional determinants of goal directed learning and representational drift in parahippocampal cortex McLachlan C, Lee D, Kwon O, Delgado K, Manjrekar N, Yao Z, Zeng H, Tasic B, Chen J | 06 Dec. 2024 | 10.12751/g-node.8yt6sr |
Intracellular membrane potential noise recordings and mEPSP simulations in cortical pyramidal cells used to benchmark 'minis' software Dervinis M | 04 Dec. 2024 | 10.12751/g-node.mvsy4j |
Preprocessed data and analysis results files required for/produced after performing quantal analysis using 'minis' software Dervinis M | 04 Dec. 2024 | 10.12751/g-node.32m2ge |
How Much Data is Enough? Optimization of Data Collection for Artifact Detection in EEG Recordings Wang-Nöth L, Heiler P, Huang H, Lichtenstern D, Reichenbach A, Flacke L, Maisch L, Mayer H | 19 Nov. 2024 | 10.12751/g-node.44jhbz |
Task-specific regional circuit adaptations in distinct mouse retinal ganglion cells Oesterle J, Ran Y, Stahr P, Kerr JN, Schubert T, Berens P, Euler T | 28 Oct. 2024 | 10.12751/g-node.7g8dd6 |
Cerebellar activity predicts vocalization in fruit bats Hariharan S, Palomares EG, Babl SS, Jury LL, Hechavarria JC | 12 Sep. 2024 | 10.12751/g-node.4qqzf7 |
Nighttime-specific gene expression changes in suprachiasmatic nucleus and habenula are associated with resiliency to chronic social stress Narain P, Petković A, Šušić M, Haniffa S, Anwar M, Arnoux M, Drou N, Antonio-Saldi G, Chaudhury D | 06 Sep. 2024 | 10.12751/g-node.jj57l9 |
Macaque motor cortex LFP and spike dynamics during visuomotor behavior Kilavik BE, Riehle A | 30 Aug. 2024 | 10.12751/g-node.ib7wgy |
Larger brains and relatively smaller cerebella in Asian compared to African savanna elephants Shah M, Heise O, Buss P, de Klerk-Lorist L, Hetzer S, Haynes J, Hildebrandt T, Brecht M | 07 Aug. 2024 | 10.12751/g-node.mb72l6 |
Dataset - Marmoset retinal ganglion cell responses to tomographic stimulation Krüppel S, Gollisch T | 04 Aug. 2024 | 10.12751/g-node.m4bvl9 |
Perceived wealth and task difficulty modulation of value encoding in dorsal anterior cingulate cortex Ferro D, Hayden B, Moreno Bote R | 29 Jul. 2024 | 10.12751/g-node.1kkrw6 |
Code for: Network state changes in sensory thalamus represent learned outcomes Hasegawa M, Huang Z, Paricio-Montesinos R, Gründemann J | 23 Jul. 2024 | 10.12751/g-node.1rfzbn |
Data for: Network state changes in sensory thalamus represent learned outcomes Hasegawa M, Huang Z, Paricio-Montesinos R, Gründemann J | 23 Jul. 2024 | 10.12751/g-node.7xxnmw |
Standard for visual and auditory ERPs in C57Bl/6 mice Østergaard FG | 17 Jul. 2024 | 10.12751/g-node.h4ddn6 |
The components of an electrical synapse as revealed by expansion microscopy of a single synaptic contact Cardenas-Garcia S, Ijaz S, Pereda A | 12 Jul. 2024 | 10.12751/g-node.8ljsii |
Social experience is associated with a differential role of Aromatase neurons in sexual behavior and territorial aggression Trives E, Porte C, Nakahara TS, Keller M, Vacher H, Chamero P | 09 Jul. 2024 | 10.12751/g-node.cs3tdm |
Neural effects of dopaminergic compounds revealed by multi-site electrophysiology in mice and interpretable machine-learning Kapanaiah SK, Rosenbrock H, Hengerer B, Kaetzel D | 24 Jun. 2024 | 10.12751/g-node.w7s6wv |
Dataset of mouse escape responses and mPFC-BLA LFP recordings Han H, Cho S, Jung D, Choi JH | 21 Jun. 2024 | 10.12751/g-node.2q1eh7 |
Post-processing deep neural network for performance improvement of interictal epileptiform discharges detection Anguelova G, Baines P | 20 Jun. 2024 | 10.12751/g-node.swrz7z |
Low and high beta rhythms have different motor cortical sources and distinct roles in movement control and spatio-temporal attention Nougaret S, López-Galdo L, Caytan E, Poitreau J, Barthélemy F, Kilavik BE | 28 May. 2024 | 10.12751/g-node.wvz4wd |
How side effects can improve treatment efficacy: A randomized trial Schenk LA, Fadai T, Büchel C | 15 May. 2024 | 10.12751/g-node.5rvqjk |
Gaze-centered gating and reactivation of value encoding in orbitofrontal cortex Ferro D, Hayden B, Moreno Bote R | 11 May. 2024 | 10.12751/g-node.evlnq5 |
Spiking activity in the visual thalamus is coupled to pupil dynamics across temporal scales Crombie D, Spacek M, Leibold C, Busse L | 05 Apr. 2024 | 10.12751/g-node.ls6w8h |
Low-dimensional interference of mid-level sound statistics predicts human speech recognition in natural environmental noise Clonan A, Zhai X, Stevenson I, Escabi M | 03 Apr. 2024 | 10.12751/g-node.e7vt7m |
Binocular measurement of ocular drift during fixation Eggert T, Straube A | 28 Mar. 2024 | 10.12751/g-node.s5q47r |
Single-cell recordings from three cortical parietal areas during an instructed-delay reaching task Diomedi S, Vaccari FE, Gamberini M, De Vitis M, Filippini M, Fattori P | 20 Mar. 2024 | 10.12751/g-node.7q2dbp |
Electrophysiological characterization of Nrxn1-alpha knock out model Østergaard FG | 20 Mar. 2024 | 10.12751/g-node.j2h8vr |
Emotional memory neuronal data Fetterhoff D, Costa M, Hellerstedt R, Johannessen R, Imbach L, Sarnthein J, Strange B | 07 Mar. 2024 | 10.12751/g-node.q66jki |
Cortical Protocadherin-9 expression regulates multimodal sensory processing by amplifying thalamo-cortico output during wakefulness Østergaard FG | 06 Mar. 2024 | 10.12751/g-node.5l85fj |
Observational threat learning influences costly avoidance behaviour in healthy humans Mueller M, Cohen O, Shechner T, Haaker J | 07 Feb. 2024 | 10.12751/g-node.6blt1i |
Effects of non-invasive brain stimulation on patients with aphasia Galdo-Alvarez S | 29 Jan. 2024 | 10.12751/g-node.lmbq21 |
Dataset - Effects of chronic ingestion of soy peptide supplementation on juvenile social isolation Tamura H, Miyazaki A, Kawamura T, Gotoh H, Yamamoto N, Narita M | 26 Jan. 2024 | 10.12751/g-node.v7wkqe |
Dataset - Marmoset retinal ganglion cell responses to finely structured spatiotemporal white noise Zapp SJ, Gollisch T | 25 Jan. 2024 | 10.12751/g-node.zpj6rc |
Perirhinal cortex learns a predictive map of the task environment Lee D, McLachlan C, Nogueira R, Kwon O, Carey A, House G, Lagani G, LaMay D, Fusi S, Chen J | 16 Jan. 2024 | 10.12751/g-node.m36s4g |
A developmental increase of inhibition promotes the emergence of hippocampal ripples Pochinok I, Stöber TM, Triesch J, Chini M, Hanganu-Opatz IL | 22 Dec. 2023 | 10.12751/g-node.bcds1m |
Data for Normalization in mouse primary visual cortex Zayyad ZA, Maunsell JHR, MacLean JN | 28 Nov. 2023 | 10.12751/g-node.y6g8wz |
Data to Brodhun et al: Neural correlates of word processing influenced by painful primes Brodhun C, Borelli E, Weiss T | 22 Nov. 2023 | 10.12751/g-node.ikzki6 |
Perceptual variability, bias, and prior in hue perception Su Y, Shi Z, Wachtler T | 14 Nov. 2023 | 10.12751/g-node.rp2ft3 |
Data and code associated to the article: Reorganization of adolescent prefrontal cortex circuitry is required for mouse cognitive maturation Pöpplau JA, Schwarze T, Dorofeikova M, Pochinok I, Günther A, Marquardt A, Hanganu-Opatz IL | 17 Oct. 2023 | 10.12751/g-node.sq1cxy |
Raw data for Selective reduction of Ca2+ entry through the human NMDA receptor - a quantitative study by simultaneous Ca2+ and Na+ imaging D'Andrea T, Benedetti MC, Monaco L, Rosa A, Fucile S | 28 Sep. 2023 | 10.12751/g-node.z6m3kt |
Data from Dorsal raphe stimulation relays a reward signal to the ventral tegmental area via GluN2C NMDA receptors Hernandez G, Kouwenhoven W, Poirier E, Lévesque D, Rompré P | 18 Sep. 2023 | 10.12751/g-node.nejh41 |
Data and code for 'Multi-level visual motion opponency in Drosophila' Ammer G, Serbe-Kamp E, Mauss A, Richter F, Fendl S, Borst A | 26 Aug. 2023 | 10.12751/g-node.7v3pe6 |
SEB3R Pipeline Chelini G, Trombetta EM | 10 Aug. 2023 | 10.12751/g-node.971c6r |
SEB3R Validation Data Chelini G, Trombetta EM | 10 Aug. 2023 | 10.12751/g-node.jmy711 |
Reference induces biases in late visual processing Su Y, Wachtler T, Shi Z | 26 Jul. 2023 | 10.12751/g-node.46h2gl |
Excitatory stimulation of the ventromedial prefrontal cortex reduces cognitive gambling biases via improved feedback learning in a gambling task Kroker T, Junghöfer M | 24 Jul. 2023 | 10.12751/g-node.jeqr7r |
Receptive field sizes and neuronal encoding bandwidth are constrained by axonal conduction delays Hladnik T, Grewe J | 17 Jul. 2023 | 10.12751/g-node.78xqwl |
Data for 'Modular architecture facilitates noise-driven control of synchrony in neuronal networks' Yamamoto H, Spitzner FP, Takemuro T, Buendía V, Murota H, Morante C, Konno T, Sato S, Hirano-Iwata A, Levina A, Priesemann V, Muñoz MA, Zierenberg J, Soriano J | 13 Jul. 2023 | 10.12751/g-node.t77b3p |
Deviance detection in subthalamic neural
population responses to natural stimuli in bats Wetekam J, Hechavarria J, López-Jury L, González-Palomares E, Kössl M | 13 Jul. 2023 | 10.12751/g-node.5eqq3r |
Knocking out the LRRK2 gene increases sensitivity to wavelength information in the rat Østergaard FG | 07 Jul. 2023 | 10.12751/g-node.4vv9rl |
Source data for Rowland, Van der Plas, Loidolt et al., Propagation of activity through the cortical hierarchy and perception are determined by neural variability Rowland J, van der Plas T, Loidolt M, Lees R, Keeling J, Dehning J, Akam T, Priesemann V, Packer A | 23 Jun. 2023 | 10.12751/g-node.h27xvl |
Evaluation of oculomotor functions in the diagnosis of mTBI: a pilot study with healthy controls using eye-tracking and fMRI Lunkova E, Chen J | 11 Jun. 2023 | 10.12751/g-node.dhwj4v |
Nature Story Listening 3T fMRI Data Huth AG, de Heer WA, Deniz F, Gong XL | 19 May. 2023 | 10.12751/g-node.wf9cbv |
Task-specific modulation of corticospinal neuron activity during motor learning Serradj N, Marino F, Moreno-López Y, Bernstein A, Agger S, Soliman M, Sloan A, Hollis E | 14 Apr. 2023 | 10.12751/g-node.sbrmy3 |
Classifier and supporting files for the balance beam analysis Wahl L, Kaiser F, Bentvelzen M, White JJ, Schonewille M, Badura A | 14 Apr. 2023 | 10.12751/g-node.el1sd7 |
Roth et al 2023 Impaired intentional binding in schizophrenia Roth MJ, Lindner A, Hesse K, Wildgruber D, Wong H, Buehner MJ | 06 Apr. 2023 | 10.12751/g-node.sxcrm4 |
Omission responses in local field potentials in rat auditory cortex Auksztulewicz R, Rajendran V, Peng F, Schnupp J, Harper N | 06 Apr. 2023 | 10.12751/g-node.fedc41 |
Dataset - Marmoset and mouse retinal ganglion cell responses to natural stimuli and supporting data Karamanlis D, Gollisch T | 23 Mar. 2023 | 10.12751/g-node.ejk8kx |
Impact of sex in stroke in the young Schwarzwald A | 17 Mar. 2023 | 10.12751/g-node.1xwwtx |
High-speed low-light in vivo two-photon voltage imaging of large neuronal populations Platisa J, Ye X, Ahrens A, Liu C, Chen I, Davison I, Tian L, Pieribone V, Chen J | 10 Mar. 2023 | 10.12751/g-node.1b9v1w |
A Predictive Circuit for Novelty Detection in Songbird Auditory Cortex Happ M | 27 Feb. 2023 | 10.12751/g-node.ee1twn |
PyView: A general purpose tool for analyzing calcium imaging data Kumaraswamy A, Raiser G, Galizia CG | 04 Feb. 2023 | 10.12751/g-node.ezh5w2 |
The cerebellum promotes sequential foraging strategies and contributes to the directional modulation of hippocampal place cells Zhang L, Fournier J, Fallahnezhad M, Paradis A, Rochefort C, Rondi-Reig L | 01 Feb. 2023 | 10.12751/g-node.xbr77j |
Dataset - Marmoset retinal ganglion cell responses to saccadic grating shifts and supporting stimuli Krüppel S, Karamanlis D, Erol YC, Zapp SJ, Gollisch T | 30 Jan. 2023 | 10.12751/g-node.thlt1j |
A flexible and versatile system for multi-color fiber photometry and optogenetic manipulation Formozov A, Dieter A, Wiegert JS | 26 Jan. 2023 | 10.12751/g-node.37lm4m |
Pop-in: the inversion of pop-out for a feature dimension during visual search in area V4 of the monkey cortex. Klink C, Teeuwen R, Lorteije J, Roelfsema P | 20 Jan. 2023 | 10.12751/g-node.l7xbnd |
Sharp wave ripples in macaque V1 and V4 are modulated by top-down visual attention Doostmohammadi J, Gieselmann MA, van Kempen J, Lashgari R, Yoonessi A, Thiele A | 06 Jan. 2023 | 10.12751/g-node.lws3em |
Shadron_Pena_2022 Shadron K, Pena JL | 26 Dec. 2022 | 10.12751/g-node.p52i4s |
Emergence of a time-independent population code in auditory cortex enables sound categorization and discrimination learning Bagur S, Bourg J, Kempf A, Tarpin T, Bergaoui K, Guo Y, Ceballo S, Schwenkgrub J, Puel J, Bourien J, Bathellier B | 13 Dec. 2022 | 10.12751/g-node.sz67di |
Responses of V1 excitatory neurons to full-field grating Jeon B, Kuhlman S | 01 Dec. 2022 | 10.12751/g-node.wc3f8g |
Impaired dynamics of precapillary sphincters and pericytes at first-order capillaries predict reduced neurovascular function in the aging mouse brain Cai C, Zambach SA, Grubb S, Tao L, He C, Lind BL, Thomsen KJ, Zhang X, Hald BO, Nielsen RM, Kim K, Devor A, Lønstrup M, Lauritzen MJ | 29 Nov. 2022 | 10.12751/g-node.zcg4cy |
“Look straight ahead” ‒ A new test to diagnose spatial neglect by computed tomography Coelho Marques J, Hanke J, Schell C, Andres F, Karnath H | 10 Nov. 2022 | 10.12751/g-node.8zwmk4 |
Dark Exposure Experiment Data Jeon B, Kuhlman S | 20 Oct. 2022 | 10.12751/g-node.n8mnh8 |
Code and Dataset - Lack of action monitoring as a prerequisite for habitual and chunked behavior: Behavioral and neural correlates Vandaele Y, Janak P | 14 Oct. 2022 | 10.12751/g-node.p53gw9 |
Collection of Datasets for testing PyVIEW Kumaraswamy A, Galizia CG | 25 Sep. 2022 | 10.12751/g-node.4c44i5 |
Atlas and test images required for AIDAhisto Vohn A, Benz A, Aswendt M | 14 Sep. 2022 | 10.12751/g-node.25jp6z |
Data for Bergmann, Sehara et al., 2022 eNeuro (eye-whisker coordination on Airtrack) Bergmann R, Sehara K, Dominiak SE, Colomb J, Kremkow J, Larkum ME, Sachdev RN | 13 Aug. 2022 | 10.12751/g-node.j9wxqe |
Data for: "Wild lab: A naturalistic free viewing experiment reveals previously unknown EEG signatures of face processing" Gert AL, Ehinger BV, Timm S, Kietzmann TC, König P | 06 Jun. 2022 | 10.12751/g-node.ve847p |
In-vivo egfp expression in the honeybee Apis mellifera induced by electroporation and viral expression vector Leboulle G, Gehne N, Froese A, Menzel R | 20 May. 2022 | 10.12751/g-node.5vkndd |
Unsupervised discovery of behaviorally relevant brain states in rats playing hide-and-seek Bagi B, Brecht M, Sanguinetti-Scheck JI | 10 May. 2022 | 10.12751/g-node.ib9tty |
EEGmanypipelines analysis Kosciessa J | 03 May. 2022 | 10.12751/g-node.98d6ks |
Gallant Lab Natural Short Clips 3T fMRI Data Huth AG, Nishimoto S, Vu AT, Dupre la Tour T, Gallant JL | 03 May. 2022 | 10.12751/g-node.vy1zjd |
EEGmanypipelines Preprocessing Kosciessa J | 03 May. 2022 | 10.12751/g-node.6nhr1y |
Macaque Posterior Parietal Cortex recordings during iontophoretic dopaminergic drug application van Kempen J, Brandt C, Thiele A | 17 Apr. 2022 | 10.12751/g-node.7ni115 |
Data for the manuscript: Reduced olfactory acuity in recently flightless insects suggests rapid regressive evolution Neupert S, McCulloch G, Foster B, Waters J, Szyszka P | 15 Apr. 2022 | 10.12751/g-node.yq9qml |
NFDI-Neuro Survey Data Klingner C, Denker M, Grün S, Hanke M, Oeltze-Jafra S, Ohl FW, Radny J, Rotter S, Scherberger H, Stein A, Wachtler T, Witte OW, Ritter P | 06 Apr. 2022 | 10.12751/g-node.w5h68v |
Dataset: Mouse retinal ganglion cell responses to local contrast switches Khani MH, Gollisch T | 01 Apr. 2022 | 10.12751/g-node.xygy7j |
CSF Biomarkers in early MS Petržalka M | 17 Mar. 2022 | 10.12751/g-node.74jj3f |
A robust receptive field code for optic flow detection and decomposition during self-motion Zhang Y, Huang R, Nörenberg W, Arrenberg AB | 08 Mar. 2022 | 10.12751/g-node.hkzu3l |
Neural Data: Noninvasive stimulation of the ventromedial prefrontal cortex increases rationality of human decision-making Kroker T, Junghoefer M | 07 Mar. 2022 | 10.12751/g-node.qx9a5r |
Response-related sensorimotor rhythms under scopolamine and MK-801 exposures in the touchscreen Visual Discrimination test in rats Kostyalik D, Kelemen K, Lendvai B, Hernádi I, Román V, Lévay G | 03 Mar. 2022 | 10.12751/g-node.03o44d |
Neural readout of a latency code in the active electrosensory system Perks K, Sawtell N | 01 Mar. 2022 | 10.12751/g-node.suibcf |
Dataset of high-density and screw EEG recordings under chronic sleep restriction in mice Han H, Kim B, Kim Y, Choi JH | 12 Feb. 2022 | 10.12751/g-node.mvi0dp |
Single unit data isolated from linear multielectrode arrays while recording in awake fixating monkeys and gratings drifted on the screen Daumail L, Carlson B, Mitchell B, Cox M, Westerberg J, Johnson C, Martin P, Tong F, Maier A, Dougherty K | 10 Feb. 2022 | 10.12751/g-node.kvut7v |
Marble burying classifier and supporting files Wahl L, Punt M, Arbab T, Willuhn I, Elgersma Y, Badura A | 03 Feb. 2022 | 10.12751/g-node.syheka |
Calcium imaging of hippocampal activity under anesthesia and natural sleep in mice Formozov A, Chini M, Dieter A, Yang W, Pöpplau JA, Hanganu-Opatz IL, Wiegert JS | 25 Jan. 2022 | 10.12751/g-node.s549qk |
Calcium imaging and electrophysiology of hippocampal activity under anesthesia and natural sleep in mice Formozov A, Chini M, Dieter A, Yang W, Pöpplau JA, Hanganu-Opatz IL, Wiegert JS | 25 Jan. 2022 | 10.12751/g-node.lkx6kk |
Studyforrest structural MRI scans Hanke M, Wagner A, Waite L, Mönch C | 14 Jan. 2022 | 10.12751/g-node.zdwr8e |
Revival of light signaling-evoked neuronal signals in the post-mortem mammalian mouse and human retina Dataset Abbas F, Becker S, Jones B, Mure L, Panda S, Hanneken A, Vinberg F | 09 Jan. 2022 | 10.12751/g-node.sayvud |
Chronic in vivo calcium imaging dataset of neuronal populations in the auditory cortex of passively listening mice. Baseline and auditory cued fear conditioning cohorts Aschauer DF, Eppler J | 07 Jan. 2022 | 10.12751/g-node.trwj8c |
Data and code "Distinct ensembles in the noradrenergic locus coeruleus evoke diverse cortical states" Noei S, Zouridis I, Logothetis N, Panzeri S, Totah N | 28 Dec. 2021 | 10.12751/g-node.3rrsh5 |
Data for Distributed coding of duration in rodent prefrontal cortex during time reproduction Henke J, Bunk D, von Werder D, Häusler S, Flanagin V, Thurley K | 20 Dec. 2021 | 10.12751/g-node.tarvrs |
Automated classification of sensorimotor deficit in stroke mice Kloubert S, Aswendt M | 14 Dec. 2021 | 10.12751/g-node.3bqihg |
Long-term in vivo application of a potassium channel-based optogenetic silencer in the healthy and epileptic mouse hippocampus Kleis P, Paschen E, Häussler U, Bernal Sierra YA, Haas C | 07 Dec. 2021 | 10.12751/g-node.ttyt3c |
Longitudinal MRI (T2-weighted and DTI) of WT mice with cortical stroke Pallast N, Nill M, Wieters F, Wiedermann D, Aswendt M | 24 Nov. 2021 | 10.12751/g-node.okz5nn |
High-gamma mirror activity patterns in the human brain during reach-to-grasp movement observation, retention, and execution – an MEG study Dreyer AM, Rieger JW | 10 Nov. 2021 | 10.12751/g-node.76bq1r |
1024-channel electrophysiological recordings in macaque V1 and V4 during resting state Chen X, Morales-Gregorio A, Sprenger J, Kleinjohann A, Sridhar S, van Albada S, Grün S, Roelfsema P | 05 Nov. 2021 | 10.12751/g-node.i20kyh |
Simulated and recorded responses of mouse retinal bipolar cells to the chirp stimulus Gonschorek D, Höfling L, Szatko K, Franke K, Schubert T, Dunn B, Berens P, Klindt D, Euler T | 04 Nov. 2021 | 10.12751/g-node.5iije0 |
Auditory Electrooculogram-based Communication System for ALS patient (pt11) Tonin A, Jaramillo-Gonzalez A, Rana A, Khalili-Ardali M, Birbaumer N, Chaudhary U | 01 Nov. 2021 | 10.12751/g-node.ng4dfr |
Automated detection and localization of synaptic vesicles in electron microscopy images Imbrosci B, Schmitz D, Orlando M | 30 Oct. 2021 | 10.12751/g-node.s4bsnu |
KIAP BCI: a BCI framework for intracortical signals Vlachos I, Tonin A, Espinosa A, Khalili-Ardali M, Zimmermann JB | 27 Oct. 2021 | 10.12751/g-node.ihc6qn |
Spelling Interface using Introcortical Signals in a Completely Locked-In Patient enabled via Auditory Neurofeedback Training Chaudhary U, Vlachos I, Zimmermann JB, Espinosa A, Tonin A, Jaramillo-Gonzalez A, Khalili-Ardali M, Topka H, Lehmberg J, Friehs GM, Woodtli A, Donoghue JP, Birbaumer N | 26 Oct. 2021 | 10.12751/g-node.jdwmjd |
Electrophysiological dataset from macaque visual cortical area MST in response to a novel motion stimulus Wild B, Maamoun A, Mayr Y, Brockhausen R, Treue S | 22 Oct. 2021 | 10.12751/g-node.d8yhh8 |
Developmental decrease of entorhinal-hippocampal communication in immune-challenged DISC1 knockdown mice Xu X, Song L, Kringel R, Hanganu-Opatz IL | 22 Oct. 2021 | 10.12751/g-node.sld1d2 |
Population receptive fields in non-human primates from whole-brain fMRI and large-scale neurophysiology in visual cortex. Klink C, Chen X, Vanduffel W, Roelfsema P | 15 Oct. 2021 | 10.12751/g-node.2j01af |
Astrocyte – neuronal network interplay is disrupted in Alzheimer's disease mice Lines J | 11 Oct. 2021 | 10.12751/g-node.ptsprx |
Evaluation of corticostriatal oscillations as a monitoring biomarker for ethanol and sweet/fat food consumption in rats Dwiel L, Henricks A, Gui J, Doucette W | 16 Sep. 2021 | 10.12751/g-node.onlfr2 |
Dataset for Lakosa et al, The gut microbiome influences nicotine's rewarding properties and glial cells in the ventral tegmental area Besson M, Lakosa A, Rahimian A, Tomasi F, Tahraoui S, Marti F, Reynolds L, David V, Canonne C, Danckaert A, Tochon L, De Chaumont F, Forget B, Maskos U | 10 Sep. 2021 | 10.12751/g-node.f2vqud |
Duration Reproduction Data Glasauer S, Shi Z | 05 Sep. 2021 | 10.12751/g-node.hdsam3 |
Dataset - Salamander retinal ganglion cell responses to natural images Liu JK, Gollisch T | 28 Aug. 2021 | 10.12751/g-node.kod28e |
Ventral Pallidum Regulates the Default Mode Network, Controlling Transitions Between Internally and Externally Guided Behavior Klaassen A, Heiniger A, Vaca Sánchez P, Harvey M, Rainer G | 17 Aug. 2021 | 10.12751/g-node.2i5788 |
Data for Graded Remapping of Hippocampal Ensembles under Sensory Conflicts Fetterhoff D, Sobolev A, Leibold C | 02 Aug. 2021 | 10.12751/g-node.2zwbb6 |
Effects of screen-based retinal light stimulation measured with a novel contrast sensitivity test Neumann A, Breher K, Wahl S | 19 Jul. 2021 | 10.12751/g-node.4y06xs |
Cortical Oscillatory Dysfunction in Parkinson Disease During Movement Activation and Inhibition Disbrow E, Hinkley L | 12 Jul. 2021 | 10.12751/g-node.nb35ss |
Multi-Sequence Average Templates for Aging and Neurodegenerative Disease Populations Dadar M, Camicioli R, Duchesne S | 24 Jun. 2021 | 10.12751/g-node.yoy0z6 |
Driver's attention with auditory stimulation Brůha P, Hnojský L | 16 Jun. 2021 | 10.12751/g-node.2wx4za |
Converted dataset Driver_s_attention_with_visual_stimulation_and_audio_disturbance in BIDS standard. Mouček R, Vařeka L, Brůha P | 13 Jun. 2021 | 10.12751/g-node.rt3eje |
Supporting, small dataset for Garcia-Rosales et. al (2021), in review: Nature Communications Garcia-Rosales F, Hechavarria J | 27 May. 2021 | 10.12751/g-node.q6xwhi |
FEF MGS with V4 stim Noudoost B, Moore T | 27 May. 2021 | 10.12751/g-node.b0lth8 |
Converted dataset PROJECT_DAYS_P3_NUMBERS in BIDS standard. Mouček R, Vařeka L, Brůha P | 26 May. 2021 | 10.12751/g-node.5rkqr4 |
Dataset - Salamander retinal bipolar cell membrane potential measured under visual stimulation Schreyer HM, Gollisch T | 20 May. 2021 | 10.12751/g-node.fygjxn |
Locomotion of naive Drosophila larvae Thoener J, Schleyer M | 10 May. 2021 | 10.12751/g-node.5e1ifd |
Comparative microelectrode array dataset of the functional development of hPSC-derived and rat neuronal networks Kapucu FE, Vinogradov A, Hyvärinen T, Ylä-Outinen L, Narkilahti S | 07 May. 2021 | 10.12751/g-node.wvr3jf |
Dataset of cortical activity recorded with high spatial resolution from anesthetized rats Horváth C, Tóth LF, Ulbert I, Fiáth R | 07 May. 2021 | 10.12751/g-node.arf7ol |
Dataset - Mouse retinal ganglion cell responses to natural images and spatial-integration analysis Karamanlis D, Gollisch T | 30 Apr. 2021 | 10.12751/g-node.2j3d2i |
Dataset - Mouse retinal ganglion cell responses under ivabradine Gollisch T, Bemme S | 29 Apr. 2021 | 10.12751/g-node.d46ab7 |
Dataset - Mouse retinal ganglion cell responses for analysis of chromatic integration Khani MH, Gollisch T | 29 Apr. 2021 | 10.12751/g-node.0lngls |
Macaque retinal ganglion cell responses to natural movies in vivo. Schottdorf M, Lee BB | 21 Apr. 2021 | 10.12751/g-node.xage77 |
AIDAconnect test data Aswendt M, Pallast N, Käsgen O, Wieters F, Schmitt F, Scharwächter L | 15 Apr. 2021 | 10.12751/g-node.2maonr |
Spatially structured inhibition defined by polarized parvalbumin interneuron axons promotes head direction tuning Peng Y, Barreda Tomas FJ, Pfeiffer P, Drangmeister M, Schreiber S, Vida I, Geiger JRP | 30 Mar. 2021 | 10.12751/g-node.abju0s |
Spatially structured inhibition defined by polarized parvalbumin interneuron axons promotes head direction tuning Peng Y, Barreda Tomas FJ, Pfeiffer P, Drangmeister M, Schreiber S, Vida I, Geiger JRP | 30 Mar. 2021 | 10.12751/g-node.lzcn4u |
Dataset of 'Distinct timescales of population coding across cortex' Runyan C, Valente M, Pica G, Bondanelli G, Moroni M, Harvey CD, Panzeri S | 15 Mar. 2021 | 10.12751/g-node.tqbad8 |
Dataset of 'History-dependent variability in population dynamics during evidence accumulation in cortex' Morcos A, Valente M, Pica G, Bondanelli G, Moroni M, Harvey CD, Panzeri S | 15 Mar. 2021 | 10.12751/g-node.g1xyem |
Precapillary sphincters and pericytes at first-order capillaries as key regulators for brain capillary perfusion Zambach S, Cai C, Helms HC, Hald B, Dong Y, Fordsmann J, Nielsen R, Hu J, Lønstrup M, Brodin B, Lauritzen M | 28 Feb. 2021 | 10.12751/g-node.vi9c1i |
Longitudinal (4 wks) T2-weighted MRI and DTI of WT mice with cortical stroke (thromboembolic model) in C57BL/6 mice. Wieters F, Aswendt M | 17 Feb. 2021 | 10.12751/g-node.557cih |
CMOS-MEA recordings of mouse retinal ganglion cells upon smooth electrical stimulation Höfling L, Zeck G | 11 Feb. 2021 | 10.12751/g-node.0blveb |
Data for Sehara et al., 2021 eNeuro (the real-time DeepLabCut project) Sehara K, Zimmer-Harwood P, Colomb J, Larkum ME, Sachdev RN | 06 Feb. 2021 | 10.12751/g-node.lgu2m0 |
Directed information exchange between cortical layers in macaque V1 and V4 and its modulation by selective attention Ferro D, van Kempen J, Boyd M, Panzeri S, Thiele A | 29 Jan. 2021 | 10.12751/g-node.824cgx |
Perceptual spaces and their symmetries: The geometry of color space Vattuone N, Wachtler T, Samengo I | 20 Jan. 2021 | 10.12751/g-node.cwbvw6 |
GluA1-KO LFP data Strahnen D, Kapanaiah SK, Bygrave AM, Kaetzel D | 23 Dec. 2020 | 10.12751/g-node.3lvs3q |
Conflict processing networks: a directional analysis of stimulus-response compatibilities using MEG Rossenberg J, Dong Q, Florin E, Sripad P, Boers F, Reske M, Shah NJ, Dammers J | 21 Dec. 2020 | 10.12751/g-node.qm0apk |
Simultaneous laminar V1 and V4 recordings during selective attention van Kempen J, Boyd M, Thiele A | 14 Dec. 2020 | 10.12751/g-node.b0mnn2 |
Automated movement analysis of mouse beam walking using neural networks Kloubert S, Aswendt M, Wieters F | 02 Dec. 2020 | 10.12751/g-node.eey1nz |
Graphene active sensor arrays for long-term and wireless mapping of wide frequency band epicortical brain activity Garcia-Cortadella R, Schwesig G, Jeschke C, Illa X, L. Gray A, Savage S, Stamatidou E, Schiessl I, Masvidal-Codina E, Kostarelos K, Guimerà-Brunet A, Sirota A, Garrido JA | 28 Nov. 2020 | 10.12751/g-node.4zw2lt |
MNI-FTD Templates, Unbiased Average Templates of Frontotemporal Dementia Variants Dadar M, Manera A, Fonov V, Ducharme S, Collins DL | 26 Nov. 2020 | 10.12751/g-node.io75u3 |
Dataset of neurons and intracranial EEG from human amygdala during aversive dynamic visual stimulation Fedele T, Boran E, Chirkov V, Hilfiker P, Grunwald T, Stieglitz L, Jokeit H, Sarnthein J | 26 Nov. 2020 | 10.12751/g-node.270z59 |
Data from: Theta but not gamma oscillations in area V4 depend on input from primary visual cortex Kienitz R, Cox MA, Dougherty K, Saunders RC, Schmiedt JT, Leopold DA, Maier A, Schmid MC | 27 Oct. 2020 | 10.12751/g-node.nb4nnp |
Gaze stabilisation behaviour is anisotropic across visual field locations in zebrafish Dehmelt FA, Meier R, Hinz J, Yoshimatsu T, Simacek CA, Wang K, Baden T, Arrenberg AB | 09 Oct. 2020 | 10.12751/g-node.qergnn |
Ephys data associated with the paper *Gamma activity accelerates during prefrontal development* Bitzenhofer SH, Pöpplau JA, Hanganu-Opatz IL | 29 Sep. 2020 | 10.12751/g-node.heyl6r |
Longitudinal MRI (T2-weighted and rs-fMRI) of GFAP-/-/Vim-/- and WT mice Aswendt M, Käsgen O, Wieters F, Schmitt F, Pallast N | 22 Sep. 2020 | 10.12751/g-node.yzjhz3 |
Plates of Cyto- and Myeloarchitectural Brain Atlas of the Pale Spear-Nosed Bat (Phyllostomus discolor) and high-resolution images of sections stained for NADPH-diaphorase, Acetylcholine-esterase and Nissl Radtke-Schuller S, Fenzl T, Peremans H, Schuller G, Firzlaff U | 09 Sep. 2020 | 10.12751/g-node.8bbcxy |
RGC data for publication "Ignoring correlated activity causes a failure of retinal population codes" Ruda K, Zylberberg J, Field G | 18 Aug. 2020 | 10.12751/g-node.cnqoty |
An insula‐driven network computes decision uncertainty and promotes abstinence in chronic cocaine users Yu J, Fiore VG, Briggs RW, Braud J, Rubia K, Adinoff B, Gu X | 04 Aug. 2020 | 10.12751/g-node.gtd3ab |
PhyloBrain atlas: a cortical brain MRI atlas following a phylogenetic approach Zhernovaia M, Dadar M, Mahmoud S, Zeighami Y, Maranzano J | 18 Jul. 2020 | 10.12751/g-node.b4vh7k |
MRI brain anatomical and fMRI DICOM for 20 Patients, affected by epilepsia, pre and post surgery Barba C, Guerrini R, Montanaro D | 15 Jul. 2020 | 10.12751/g-node.0vtcij |
Dataset of high-density EEG recordings with auditory and optogenetic stimulation in mice Hwang E, Han H, Kim J, Choi JH | 09 Jul. 2020 | 10.12751/g-node.e5tyek |
MR Estimator Triallength Dependence Spitzner FP | 08 Jul. 2020 | 10.12751/g-node.licm4y |
Surface potential recordings from rat brainstem dorsal column nuclei in response to tactile and proprioceptive stimuli Loutit A, Potas J | 29 Jun. 2020 | 10.12751/g-node.jjaaz4 |
Difference in somatosensory event-related potentials in the blind subjects leads to better performance in tactile P300 BCI Grigoryan R, Goranskaya D, Demchinsky A, Ryabova K, Kuleshov D, Kaplan A | 15 Jun. 2020 | 10.12751/g-node.dyby2g |
Analysis of a reward prediction error signal in ventral pallidum Ottenheimer DJ, Bari BA, Sutlief E, Fraser KM, Kim TH, Richard JM, Cohen JY, Janak PH | 11 Jun. 2020 | 10.12751/g-node.3lbd0c |
Driver's attention with auditory stimulation Brůha P, Hnojský L | 12 May. 2020 | 10.12751/g-node.40a071 |
Driver's attention with visual stimulation and audio disturbance Mouček R, Brůha P, Vařeka L | 12 May. 2020 | 10.12751/g-node.9c19ce |
Development coordination disorder in children – diagnosis, relationship to brain function Čepička L, Holečková I, Mouček R, Mautner P, Brůha P, Vařeka L | 12 May. 2020 | 10.12751/g-node.13432e |
Driver's attention and sleep deprivation Mouček R, Brůha P, Mautner P | 12 May. 2020 | 10.12751/g-node.f8f930 |
Event-related potential datasets based on three-stimulus-paradigm Vařeka L, Brůha P | 12 May. 2020 | 10.12751/g-node.b5a5df |
PROJECT DAYS P3 NUMBERS Mouček R, Brůha P, Vařeka L | 12 May. 2020 | 10.12751/g-node.545b40 |
Car simulator - Driver attention Mouček R, Brůha P, Mautner P | 12 May. 2020 | 10.12751/g-node.7c85a1 |
CRCNS Dataset: Spiking auditory network model and spectro-temporal receptive fields from auditory nerve, midbrain, thalamus and cortex Khatami F, Escabi M | 09 May. 2020 | 10.12751/g-node.df3de6 |
A three-dimensional, population-based average of the C57BL/6 mouse brain from DAPI-stained coronal slices Stæger FF, Mortensen K, Nielsen MSN, Hirase H, Kaufmann L, Nedergaard M | 08 May. 2020 | 10.12751/g-node.16wrxa |
Data for Gill & Chiel 2020: Rapid adaptation to changing mechanical load by ordered recruitment of identified motor neurons Gill J, Chiel H | 05 May. 2020 | 10.12751/g-node.134e2c |
The DecNef data collection: fMRI data from closed-loop decoded neurofeedback experiments Cortese A, Tanaka S, Amano K, Koizumi A, Lau H, Sasaki Y, Shibata K, Taschereau-Dumouchel V, Watanabe T, Kawato M | 13 Apr. 2020 | 10.12751/g-node.7a5393 |
Not-anesthetized ephys data associated with the paper *Transient developmental increase of prefrontal activity alters network maturation and causes cognitive dysfunction in adult mice* Bitzenhofer SH, Pöpplau JA, Chini M, Marquardt A, Hanganu-Opatz IL | 09 Apr. 2020 | 10.12751/g-node.b64563 |
Localization of Epileptic Focus Using Simultaneously Acquired EEG-FMRI Data Ebrahimzadeh E, Soltanian-Zadeh H, Nadjar Araabi B | 07 Apr. 2020 | 10.12751/g-node.6269c2 |
Magnitude Estimation Data Petzschner F, Glasauer S | 26 Feb. 2020 | 10.12751/g-node.21796b |
Local field potential dataset: fronto-striatal oscillations predict vocal output in bats Weineck K, Garcia Rosales F, Hechavarria JC | 26 Jan. 2020 | 10.12751/g-node.6a0d94 |
Localize-MI Mikulan E, Russo S, Parmigiani S, Sarasso S, Zauli FM, Rubino A, Avanzini P, Cattani A, Sorrentino A, Gibbs S, Cardinale F, Sartori I, Nobili L, Massimini M, Pigorini A | 25 Jan. 2020 | 10.12751/g-node.1cc1ae |
ObjSim Michler F, Philipp ST | 09 Jan. 2020 | 10.12751/g-node.00fbef |
Muscarinic modulation of M and h currents in gerbil spherical bushy cells -- dataset Gillet C, Kurth S, Kuenzel T | 13 Dec. 2019 | 10.12751/g-node.4bdb22 |
Dataset of simultaneous scalp EEG and intracranial EEG recordings and human medial temporal lobe units during a verbal working memory task Boran E, Fedele T, Steiner A, Hilfiker P, Stieglitz L, Grunwald T, Sarnthein J | 04 Dec. 2019 | 10.12751/g-node.d76994 |
Datasets for Dominiak et al., 2019 Sehara K, Dominiak SE, Nashaat MA, Oraby H, Larkum ME, Sachdev RN, Colomb J | 28 Nov. 2019 | 10.12751/g-node.57a01e |
Not-anesthetized ephys data associated with the paper *Resolving and rescuing developmental miswiring in a mouse model of cognitive impairment* Chini M, Pöpplau JA, Lindemann C, Carol-Perdiguer L, Hnida M, Oberländer V, Xu X, Ahlbeck J, Bitzenhofer SH, Mulert C, Hanganu-Opatz IL | 13 Nov. 2019 | 10.12751/g-node.f3e198 |
Construction and use of an accurate positioning-µCP device Samhaber R, Schottdorf M, El Hady A, Bröking K, Daus A, Thielemann C, Stühmer W, Wolf F | 22 Oct. 2019 | 10.12751/g-node.1e7756 |
Neurochemical organization of the Drosophila brain visualized by endogenously tagged neurotransmitter receptors Kondo S, Takahashi T, Yamagata N, Imanishi Y, Katow H, Hiramatsu S, Lynn KB, Abe A, Kumaraswamy A, Tanimoto H | 20 Oct. 2019 | 10.12751/g-node.10246f |
A dataset of 151 visual cortical orientation preference maps from four species. Schottdorf M, Keil W, Coppola DM, White LE, Wolf F | 01 Aug. 2019 | 10.12751/g-node.b4820c |
Clusters of cooperative ion channels enable a membrane potential-based mechanism for short-term memory Pfeiffer P, Egorov AV, Lorenz F, Schleimer J, Draguhn A, Schreiber S | 24 Jul. 2019 | 10.12751/g-node.08853e |
Morphological reconstructions and electrophysiological recordings of vibration sensitive honeybee neurons belonging to two maturation levels Kumaraswamy A, Ai H, Kazuki K, Hidetoshi I, Thomas W | 23 Jul. 2019 | 10.12751/g-node.e70cb4 |
Ventral pallidum single-unit recordings from rats performing cue-induced alcohol or sucrose seeking Ottenheimer D, Wang K, Haimbaugh A, Janak P, Richard J | 17 Jul. 2019 | 10.12751/g-node.e02d8a |
Distinct recruitment of dorsomedial and dorsolateral striatum in an instrumental task erodes with extended training Vandaele Y, Mahajan NR, Ottenheimer D, Richard JM, Mysore SP, Janak PH | 26 Jun. 2019 | 10.12751/g-node.92538d |
Mouse ephys data associated with the paper *Neural Correlates of Anesthesia in Newborn Mice and Humans* Chini M, Gretenkord S, Kostka JK, Pöpplau JA, Cornelissen L, Berde CB, Hanganu-Opatz IL, Bitzenhofer SH | 24 May. 2019 | 10.12751/g-node.b8a1f8 |
MOSD Zheng H, Peng H, Xu W, Zhang J | 29 Apr. 2019 | 10.12751/g-node.52349d |
Online detection of multiple stimulus changes based on single neuron interspike intervals Koepcke L, Hildebrandt J, Kretzberg J | 04 Apr. 2019 | 10.12751/g-node.b4381b |
The spatial resolution of bat biosonar quantified with a visual-resolution paradigm Wiegrebe L, Geberl C, Kugler K | 04 Apr. 2019 | 10.12751/g-node.4958fc |
Factors other than hTau overexpression that contribute to tauopathy-like phenotype in rTg4510 mice Gamache J, Benzow K, Forster C, Kemper L, Hlynialuk C, Furrow E, Ashe KH, Koob MD | 29 Mar. 2019 | 10.12751/g-node.3730d0 |
Data for Cadena et al. 2019 Plos Computational Biology Cadena S, Denfield G, Walker E, Gatys L, Tolias A, Bethge M, Ecker A | 10 Mar. 2019 | 10.12751/g-node.2e31e3 |
Dataset of 24-subject EEG recordings during viewing of real-world objects and planar images of the same items Marini F, Breeding K, Snow J | 22 Feb. 2019 | 10.12751/g-node.bcccab |
The ICLabel Dataset of electroencephalographic (EEG) independent component (IC) features Pion-Tonachini L, Kreutz-Delgado K, Makeig S | 31 Jan. 2019 | 10.12751/g-node.e3ddb5 |
The amplitude in periodic neural state trajectories underlies the tempo of rhythmic tapping dataset Gámez J, Mendoza G, Prado L, Betancourt A, Merchant H | 12 Jan. 2019 | 10.12751/g-node.d315b3 |
Dorsal Horn Gastrin-Releasing Peptide Expressing Neurons Transmit Spinal Itch But Not Pain Signals Albisetti G, Pagani M, Platonova E, Hösli L, Johannssen HC, Fritschy J, Windner H, Zeilhofer HU | 10 Jan. 2019 | 10.12751/g-node.50baa6 |
Similar Changes in Executive function after Moderate Resistance Training and Loadless MovementD Vonk M, Middleton L | 21 Dec. 2018 | 10.12751/g-node.91a992 |
Kuehn_and_Gollisch_RGC_spiketrains_for_moving_texture Kühn NK, Gollisch T | 12 Dec. 2018 | 10.12751/g-node.0300fd |
Data: Salamander retinal ganglion cells under finely structured spatio-temporal white noise Gollisch T, Liu JK | 11 Dec. 2018 | 10.12751/g-node.62b65b |
Oscillatory infrasonic modulation of the cochlear amplifier by selective attention Dragicevic C, Marcenaro B, Navarrete M, Robles L, Delano P | 01 Dec. 2018 | 10.12751/g-node.be7e46 |
Resources for the article 'Reproducible neural network simulations: statistical methods for model validation on the level of network activity data' Gutzen R, von Papen M, Trensch G, Quaglio P, Grün S, Denker M | 24 Oct. 2018 | 10.12751/g-node.85d46c |
FDModel1 Finotelli P, Dulio P, Baglio F, Dipasquale O, Costantini I, Pini A, Baselli G, Cercignani M | 08 Oct. 2018 | 10.12751/g-node.ef14cc |
Detection of Children/Youth with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder through Eye Movement, Psychometric and Neuroimaging Data Zhang C, Paolozza A, Tseng P, Reynolds J, Munoz D, Itti L | 05 Oct. 2018 | 10.12751/g-node.5a4628 |
Nucleus accumbens and ventral pallidum single-unit recordings from rats performing a reward processing task Ottenheimer D, Richard J, Janak P | 12 Sep. 2018 | 10.12751/g-node.b6d000 |
Detection of Children/Youth with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder through Eye Movement, Psychometric and Neuroimaging Data Zhang C, Paolozza A, Tseng P, Reynolds J, Munoz D, Itti L | 24 Aug. 2018 | 10.12751/g-node.9c0912 |
Electrophysiological correlates of concept type shifts Bekemeier N, Brenner D, Klepp A, Biermann-Ruben K, Indefrey P | 18 Aug. 2018 | 10.12751/g-node.8d6e59 |
Unbiased and temporally consistent morphological atlas of neonatal brain development Schuh A, Makropoulos A, Robinson EC, Cordero-Grande L, Hughes E, Hutter J, Price AN, Murgasova M, Teixeira RPAG, Tusor N, Steinweg J, Victor S, Rutherford MA, Hajnal JV, Edwards AD, Rueckert D | 21 Jul. 2018 | 10.12751/g-node.d2b353 |
Finding the balance between model complexity and performance: Using ventral striatal oscillations to classify feding behavior in rats Dwiel L, Khokhar J, Connerney M, Green A, Doucette W | 17 Jul. 2018 | 10.12751/g-node.f93a29 |
Dataset - Structural brain imaging in Alzheimer's disease and mild cognitive impairment: biomarker analysis and shared morphometry database Ledig C, Schuh A, Guerrero R, Heckemann RA, Rueckert D | 16 Jul. 2018 | 10.12751/g-node.aa605a |
Usage learning in bats Lattenkamp E, Vernes S, Wiegrebe L | 16 Jul. 2018 | 10.12751/g-node.984192 |
Suppression of Itch in Mice and Dogs by Selective Modulation of Spinal α2/α3 GABAA Receptors Ralvenius WT, Neumann E, Zeilhofer HU | 12 Jul. 2018 | 10.12751/g-node.fb5bd5 |
Raw data for article: Volumetric gray matter measures of amygdala and accumbens in childhood overweight/obesity Perlaki G, Molnar D, Smeets PAM, Ahrens W, Wolters M, Eiben G, Lissner L, Erhard P, van Meer F, Herrmann M, Janszky J, Orsi G, I.Family Consortium | 30 May. 2018 | 10.12751/g-node.4160bc |
Dataset: Transparent Danionella translucida as a genetically tractable vertebrate brain model Schulze L, Henninger J, Faustino AI, Chaigne T, Kadobianskyi M, Hakiy N, Albadri S, Schuelke M, Maler L, Del Bene F, Judkewitz B | 06 Apr. 2018 | 10.12751/g-node.230a07 |
Reg-MaxS and Reg-MaxS-N: Algorithms for co-registration of pairs and groups of neuron morphologies based on maximization of spatial overlap Kumaraswamy A | 29 Mar. 2018 | 10.12751/g-node.feee47 |
Diurnal modulation of BOLD dynamics Cordani L, Tagliazucchi E, Vetter C, Hassemer C, Roenneberg T, Stehle J, Kell CA | 23 Feb. 2018 | 10.12751/g-node.16591b |
Methylphenidate promotes the interaction between motor cortex facilitation and attention processes in healthy adults performing a go/nogo task Berger C, Müller-Godeffroy J, Marx I, Reis O, Buchmann J, Dück A | 21 Feb. 2018 | 10.12751/g-node.af468c |
Spike data of animals Chen X | 07 Feb. 2018 | 10.12751/g-node.e520bb |
Spike data of birds' vision Yang Z | 05 Feb. 2018 | 10.12751/g-node.923b38 |
Multimodal Integration and Stimulus Categorization in Mushroom Body Output Neurons of the Honeybee Strube-Bloss M | 10 Jan. 2018 | 10.12751/g-node.d919d4 |
Lateral Integration During Memory Retention in Mushroom Body Output Neurons of the Honeybee Strube-Bloss M | 10 Jan. 2018 | 10.12751/g-node.3cfa73 |
Massively parallel multi-electrode recordings of macaque motor cortex during an instructed delayed reach-to-grasp task Brochier T, Zehl L, Hao Y, Duret M, Sprenger J, Denker M, Grün S, Riehle A | 28 Dec. 2017 | 10.12751/g-node.f83565 |
Network simulations of interneuron circuits in the honeybee primary auditory center Kumaraswamy A, Maksutov A, Kai K, Ai H, Ikeno H, Wachtler T | 11 Sep. 2017 | 10.12751/g-node.1090f8 |
Spike time locking in the electro-sensory system Sinz F, Sachgau C, Henninger J, Benda J, Grewe J | 21 Jun. 2017 | 10.12751/g-node.6953bb |
Limited plasticity of prismatic visuo-motor adaptation Spang K, Wischhusen S, Fahle M | 26 Sep. 2014 | 10.12751/g-node.hnj28q |